Theatre and Performance in CT

University of Manchester´s In Place of War: Theatre, Performance and War Research and Practice Network at - a collaborative initiative for academic and practice-based research into the role, function and impact of theatre and performance in places of armed conflict. The network maintains a rich collection of written and audio-visual documentation.

James Thompson et al.´s book Performance in Place of War is a massively resourceful book from the above initiative.

Hannah Reich, Richard Bteich & Ala Boued Amtar´s Enacting Places of Change: Interactive theatre as an instrument for postwar peacebuilding in Lebanon

Hannah Reich, Sruti Bala & Till Baumann´s Theater im emotionalen Mienenfeld. Darstellende Kunst in der Konfliktbearbeitung (in collaboration with Weltfriedensdienst e.V., Peace Prints 06/2006, supplement to die tageszeitung, Berlin).

William Chalmus´s (2006 fellow from the above program) moving piece of writing Perform for a Change, which beautfiully connects with John Paul Lederach´s Moral Imagination.

Dominik Werner - an inspiring fellow!